Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tank Design


Design constants:-

For M-20 concrete σcbc = 7N/mm2 and m=13. Taking σst =115N/mm2,

We have

K=m σcbc / m σcbc st





R=0.5x σcbc x j x k.

=0.5 x 7 x 0.853 x 0.442.

(2) Moment and shear.

L=12.6m, B=3m, H=3.5m.






Line CD

Line AB

Line EF


mx my

mx my

mx my


+0.026 0.013

-0.006 -0.028

+0.0002 0.008


+0.044 0.020

-0.009 -0.046

+0.007 0.014


+0.041 0.016

-0.009 -0.044

+0.013 0.013

Horizontal Moment MH = my x WH3 .

Vertical Moment Vv = Mx x WH3

Maximum value of My = -0.046.

Hence maximum moment in horizontal direction occurs at the mid point of edge AB.

Maximum value of mx =+0.044. Hence maximum moment on vertical occur at the mid point of edge CD.

Specific weight W=9800N/m3

Maximum moment MH at edge AB = -0.046x9800 x (3.5)2 x 3

= 16566 N-m

Maximum moment MH at edge EF = 0.014 x 9800 x (3.5)2 x3

= 5042.1 Nm.

Maximum moment MH at edge CD (mid point) = 0.020 x 9800 x (3.5)2 x 3

= 7203 Nm.

Maximum moment Mv at edge CD (mid span) = 0.044 x 9800 x (3.5)2 x 3

= 15846.6 Nm.

Maximum moment Mv at edge EF (at lower quarter point) = 0.013 x 9800 x (3.5) 2 x3.

=4681.95 Nm.

Shear force at mid point of fixed side edge AB of long wall = .036 x WH3

= 0.36 x 9800 x (3.5)2

= 43218 N

Shear force at mid point of fixed side edge AB of long wall = 0.258 x WH3

= 0.258 x 9800 x (3.5)2

=30972.29 N

(3) Design of thickness of tank walls: - The thickness of wall is governed by moment MH and S.F. at mid point of AB.

MH =16566 N-m.

S.F =43218 N-m.

Let the thickness of the wall be 150 mm.

The criterion for the safe design is: [σcbt , / σcbt ] +[ σct ct ] <=1.

Where σcbt , = calculation bending tensile stress in concrete

= [6566 x 1000 x 6] / [1000 x 350 x 350]

= 0.81 N/mm2

σcbt = permissible B.M. tensile stress in concrete = 1.7 N/mm2

σct’ = calculate direct tensile stress in concrete

=43218 / 1000 x 150

= 0.288 N/m2

σct = permissible direct tensile stress in concrete = 1.2 N/m2

(1.7/.8) + (0.288/1.2) <=1

Hence safe

Thus keep total thickness T = 350 mm, and an effective thickness = 320 mm.

Depth of N.A. = 320 x 0.442mm

= 53 mm.

(4) Reinforcement in horizontal direction

Eccentricity of tensile force = 16566/ 43218.

= 0.38 m

=380 mm.

Eccentricity of tensile force; measured from the centre of the steel will be

C.G of the compressive zone

= 380 – (141.44/3)

= 335 mm

43218(335 +272.85) = Ast x 115 x 272.85

Ast = 837.2 mm2

Spacing of 10 mm. ¢ bars = 1000 x 78.5 / 837.22

= 93.76 mm.

= (95 approximate)

Hence provide these @ 95 mm. c/c on the water face.

Maximum sagging moment in horizontal direction occurs at mid point of CD and its value is 7203 N-m.

Tension at this point = safe at the mid point of vertical edge AB of short wall =30972.29N

Eccentricity of tension = 7203.2 /30972.29

=0.232 mm.

=232 mm.

Distance of line of action tension from water force = 232+175

= 407 mm.

Taking moment about the centre of compression zone

Ast x 115 x 272.85 = 30972.29 [407 – (14144/3)]

Ast = 355.2 mm2

Ast = (0.3 x 350 x 1000)/100

= 1050 mm2

Spacing of 8 mm Ф bars = (1000 x 50.2)/1050

= 47.80

Hence provide 8 mm Ф bars @ 50 mm c/c.

The horizontal B.M. at the line EF of the short wall is 5042.1 N-m only but the direct tension is 43218 N, Hence provide the some reinforced i.e. 8 mm Ф bars @ 50 mm c/c.

At the outer face.

Maximum shear stress = 43218 /1000 x 0.853 x 320

= 0.15 N/mm2

Since this is less than гbd =.24 N/mm2 for 0.3% reinforcement for M-20 concrete. It is safe.

(5) Reinforcement in vertical direction

The B.M. Mv in vertical direction combines with the direct compression due to weight of wall and weight of roof.

LET the thickness of the roof slab be 10 c.m. = 0.1mm

Assuming unit weight of concrete = 24000N/mm2

Dead load transferred to walls = [3.5/2+.35] x 1 x 0.1 x 25000

=5250 N/m

Weight of wall, up to its mid height =3.5/2 x 35 x 25000 x 1

=15312 N/m

Therefore thrust in wall at its mid height = 5250+15312

=20562 N/m

B.M. in vertical direction at mid point of CD = 15846.6 N/m (sagging)

Therefore eccentricity of thrust in vertical direction in long wall = 15846.6/20562

=770 mm

Its distance from water face = 770-175


LET the cover to the centre of the steel be 20mm

Effective depth=350-20


Depth of neutral axis = 330 x 0.442 mm


Taking moment about the C.G. of compression area

=Ast x 115x 281.38 = 20562[715 + (145.46 /3)]

Ast =485.23 mm2

Minimum area of steel @ 0.3%

= 0.3/100(1000 x 350)

=1050 mm2

Hence provided 8 mm Ф bars @ 50 mm c/c at the outside faces, in the vertical direction.

The B.M. Mv in the vertical direction in short wall is 4681.95 N-m (sagging), against 15846.6 N-m in the long wall. Hence provided minimum area of steel @ 0.3% = 485.23 mm2

Therefore we provide 8 mm Ф @ 50 mm c/c

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